Starting from 2020, all consortium meetings had to be held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


certMILS Review Meeting #3
19thSeptember 2021, VIRTUAL

certMILS Technical, General Assembly and Advisory Board Meeting
29th - 30th May 2021, VIRTUAL


certMILS Technical, General Assembly and Advisory Board Meeting
29th - 30th September 2020, VIRTUAL

certMILS Review Meeting #2
19th March 2020, VIRTUAL


certMILS Technical Meeting
12th - 13th November 2019, Prague/Czech Republic

IMG 2479

certMILS Technical and Advisory Board Meeting
13th - 15th March 2019, Katschberg/Austria

IMG 20190315 Katschberg meeting


certMILS Review Meeting #1
27th September 2018, Brussels/Belgium

certMILS Technical Meeting
12th - 14th June 2018, Seville/Spain

certMILS Technical Meeting, General Assembly Meeting and Advisory Board Meeting
9th - 11th January 2018, Olbramovice/Czech Republic


certMILS Technical Meeting
3rd - 4th July 2017, Vienna/Austria

PikeOS Workshop
28th - 30th June 2017, Mainz/Germany

certMILS Kick-Off Meeting
11th - 12th January 2017, Rennweg/Katschberg